Monday, October 5, 2009

Great Weekend - Horrible Weekend

It was great to have Sarah's family here for the weekend but I did HORRIBLE at watching what I ate. A lot of good it does to pay my $12 to Weight Watchers and then eat cake and crepes and cookies. Sarah is NOT a good influence. She gets nursing points and I realized that I can't keep up with her eating. I am bummed but did better yesterday than Saturday and today is going to be a great day (eating wise). Wish me luck!


HoffmanFamily2 said...

give me a K-"K"
give me a A-"A"
give me a T-"T"
give me a H-"H"
give me a Y-"Y"

whats that spell?!?!

goooOOOOOO KATHY!!!!!!!!!
this is me cheering you on!!
(and everyone else!)

Kathy said...

Thanks Miranda, I feel it.