Monday, September 28, 2009

From Miranda:

Good Morning!! It is such a beautiful day here!! I LOVE FALL!! I thought I'd share some words of encouragement:make a good healthy choice today!
I want to take care of my body to be a better mother and just to feel better. Today I woke up and got Abby to the dentist then off to school and then worked out for 45 mins and did 2 miles on the treadmill today! (that's right! I'm bringing it!) Mind you, it was not running but "fast walking" ;) Then had a good breakfast! "Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!"
I was having a hard weekend but Saturday night at the RS broadcast and on Sunday at fast and testimony meeting, I was reminded of the most important thing! I am a child of God! He loves me! He gave me the responsibility to take care of my body, so I will!
I hope everyone has a beautiful day! Don't forget to SMILE today!!


Sarah Harward said...

Way to go Miranda! Good job getting on that treadmill! You've inspired me. I think I'll take the kids on a walk this afternoon (although it's pretty windy and the wind is quite chilly! WAIT! Look at me already making excuses! Shame on me!!) Keep it up Miranda!!

Amanda said...

Thanks for a very uplifting and encouraging post Miranda. I'll do better tomorrow.