Tuesday, September 29, 2009

From Miranda:

Day 2:
I will win! Today it kinda kicked my bum! I did it though, 2 miles. I did 40 minutes on the treadmill then 10 doing crunches. But I'm feeling it now. I am so tired! haha-I had a whole post in my head, but honestly now I can't remember a thing I wanted to say! Hopefully I will later tonight!
Hope everyone had a GREAT day!
OH, i just remembered something I was going to say! Does anyone have some good core exercises? I need something for my "body". Like for my chest and tummy and hips. Any suggestions?

1 comment:

Sarah Harward said...

Have you you ever used an exercise ball? There's quite a few 'core' workouts you can do with that. Good luck and WAY TO GO!!